
Posts Tagged ‘partner’

They were there from the start…even the first night we met, yet I ignored them.

He had a girlfriend…I should’ve never trusted him.

He lied about his age and never confessed…I found out by catching him in his lie.

He complained about his Mom and had little respect for her…he doesn’t respect any women.

He had a drug addiction…he denied he did yet it was one of the most destructive things in our marriage.

He didn’t like to kiss..he had a fear of intimacy that killed our sex life.

He had a hot temper…I spent my life walking on eggshells to avoid these eruptions.

He had no close friends…friendships weren’t important to him so why did I want to spend time with my friends?

He was secretive…I wasn’t allowed to speak our business with anyone because he liked being a private person.

Birthdays, and holidays weren’t a big deal to him…why should I expect a gift or a card?

It took me almost 20 years to finally see the red flag that ended it all. 

Infidelity…why should I be surprised, that’s how our relationship began.

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